The 10 Benefits of Breathing Exercises and Meditation

People often underestimate the power of mindful breathing and spending time meditating daily. However, both have incredible scientifically-proven benefits for your mental, emotional, and physical health. While this list is not comprehensive, we’ve compiled ten of the best benefits of breathing exercises and meditation here!


The Benefits of Breathing Exercises


Just Breathe. That’s it. It’s so simple and natural, yet so impactful. Whenever you’re feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or in doubt, just take the time to breathe. Take deep breaths, reassess the situation, and figure out how to best deal with it.” -Thriving in the Storm: Nine Principles to Help You Overcome Any Adversity, Bill Murphy.


Here are five ways that breathing exercises can have a positive impact on your health.

Decreases Anxiety and Increases Tranquility

When you feel stressed or nervous, your brain releases its primary stress hormone, cortisol. However, when you take mindful, deep breaths, your heart rate slows as more oxygen enters your body. Ultimately, this practice decreases cortisol production, reducing anxiety levels.

Deep breathing can also increase endorphins, your body’s “feel good” hormones. Endorphins improve your well-being and can put you in an upbeat mood.

Reduces Emotional Exhaustion

Did you know that breathing exercises can reduce burnout and emotional exhaustion? Mindful breathing is an effective way to regain emotional stability and has excellent stress-relieving benefits.

Can Help Reduce Pain Levels

Mindful breathing can aid in regulating blood pressure and heart rates, helping to manage pain responses inside the brain. Deep breathing, or diaphragmatic breathing, can even help control chronic pain. People who suffer from conditions like fibromyalgia, back pain, and migraines should consider implementing deep breathing into their daily routines.

Aids in Mindfulness

Do you feel like no matter what you do, you can’t control the negative thoughts swirling around in your mind each day? Two benefits of practicing breathing exercises are a decrease in negative thinking and an increase in mindfulness!

Makes Lungs More Efficient

In the way that exercising makes your body stronger, deep, controlled breathing makes your lungs stronger. In fact, pulmonary rehab professionals often teach breathing exercises to lung patients struggling with COPD and chronic asthma. But breathing exercises are great for those with healthy lungs, too.

  • Expert Tip

Wim Hof Method breathing is an excellent place for “breathing beginners” to start. This technique is simple – check out the four steps here!


The Benefits of Meditation


Meditation is the daily process of training your mind and redirecting your thoughts and perceptions. Meditation is becoming more popular as people are discovering its many health benefits, and meditating for just a few minutes each morning can help set the mood for your whole day.

Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Meditation techniques reduce the stress hormone cortisol, similar to the previously discussed breathing exercises. Because meditation decreases cortisol, you may notice a reduction in stress levels and nervousness.

Boosts Self-Awareness

Meditation may help you develop a healthier understanding of yourself. For instance, self-inquiry meditation helps create a better awareness of how you relate to people around you, while other forms may teach you to recognize and address your thought habits.

Improves Cognition and Attention Span

Did you know that one of the benefits of meditation is an improvement in cognition and attention span? A fantastic way professionals can increase the likelihood of success is by practicing a daily meditation routine. Enjoy a boost in your brain’s problem-solving skills, decision-making strategies, and concentration – what’s not to love?

Promotes Emotional and Mental Health

Some meditation techniques can enhance self-image and create a more positive view of life. Meditation may reduce depression by reducing levels of the inflammatory chemicals called cytokines. People who struggle with depression often notice a decrease in their symptoms while practicing meditation.

Can Help With Specific Diseases and Disorders

Lastly, regularly practicing meditation may improve some illnesses’ symptoms, like post-traumatic stress disorder, irritable bowel syndrome, hypertension, psoriasis, and fibromyalgia. Committing to a daily meditation routine can help with the overall quality of life and can have long-term advantages for these individuals.

  • Expert Tip

If you’re unsure how to begin your meditation journey, check out Dr. Joe Dispenza, Doctor of Chiropractic, researcher, lecturer, and author. He offers several incredible meditation programs as well as many free resources.


Final Thoughts

“If you don’t take care of yourself and overexert your mind or body, that can bleed over and impact the way you think, solve problems, and regulate emotions. It can cause unnecessary stress and even mental health issues. Simply taking breaks, keeping tabs on your nutrition, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, practicing meditation, breathing exercises, gratitude, and kindness, you can alleviate some of that pressure. It’s not going to solve all of your problems. You must still take action and perform, but when your mind and body are healthy and in alignment, you put yourself in a better position to succeed by removing unnecessary obstacles…” Bill Murphy.

For more tips on the benefits of breathing exercises and meditation, overcoming life’s adversities, and becoming a healthier, more robust version of yourself, check out Bill Murphy’s new book Thriving in the Storm: Nine Principles to Help You Overcome Any Adversity.